Education Law for Principals Conference Q&A Continued…

Our conference Q&A session was a big hit, but not all of the questions could be answered.  Let’s take a look at a few. . .


Q:           Senate Bill 149: Individual Graduation Committees (IGCs). To which students do IGCs apply?

A:           Senate Bill 149 included revisions to the state’s assessment graduation requirements for students enrolled in the 11th and 12th grades for the 2014-2015, 2015-2016, or 2016-2017 school years.  A student who has failed the End of Course assessment graduation requirements for no more than two courses may receive a Texas high school diploma if the student has qualified to graduate by means of an individual graduation committee (IGC) determination.  New guidance on IGCs, House Bill 5, graduation, and administrative rules concerning graduation requirements, including an FAQ document on IGCs can be found on TEA’s website.

Q:           How will T-TESS change current PDAS evaluation of teachers?

A:           The Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) is a relatively new teacher evaluation system for the State of Texas.  According to the Texas Education Agency, it is designed to help teachers improve as educators.  There are many aspects to this evaluation system.  TEA has a comprehensive webpage devoted to T-TESS, including a concise FAQ document that you can find here.

Q:           What is the ten-day rule for sharing required PDAS docs with a teacher; ten days or ten business days?

A:           Under Chapter 19 of the Texas Administrative Code §150.1003(f), “Any documentation that will influence the teacher’s summative annual appraisal report must be shared in writing with the teacher within ten working days of the certified appraiser’s knowledge of the occurrence. The principal shall also be notified in writing when the certified appraiser is not the teacher’s principal.”


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