Dyslexia Handbook 2021 Update – Approved for second reading and final adoption by the Texas State Board of Education at its September 3, 2021 meeting. To be effective February 10, 2022.
Districts must inform staff and begin the process of preparing for implementation so they are well-positioned to be in compliance once the changes go into effect. For more information on the updated Dyslexia Handbook, please click on the link below for the Letter To The Administrator Addressed.
The handbook contains guidelines for school districts to follow as they identify and provide services for students with dyslexia. In addition, information regarding the state’s dyslexia statutes and their relation to various federal laws is included.
Don’t miss seasoned special education lawyer Paula Maddox Roalson of the Walsh Gallegos law firm as she walks you through what you need to know about updates to the Dyslexia Handbook at this year’s Spring Conference on Special Education Law, April 13, 2022 (Irving) and April 27, 2022 (New Braunfels). This is a must-see for every special education professional!
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