The just-released Data Linking Toolkit created by the DaSy Center contains multiple sections that include downloadable tools to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff as they consider, prepare, and successfully link their data.
DaSy’s Critical Questions include many that require data linking. For example, how do outcomes for children and families differ by characteristics of the workforce (e.g., years of experience, level of education, and participation in professional development)?
The Data Linking Introduction provides an overview of data linking and general information on how to use the toolkit. The Data Linking Partnerships section outlines the benefits and risks of data linking partnerships. The Part C and Part B 619 Data Linking Partners section suggests potential data partners and provides examples of the questions that the data partners might be able to answer together. The Resources section provides links to additional information that directly and indirectly supports data linking.
- Do you have questions you can better answer by linking data with another program or agency?
- Are you looking for opportunities to build partnerships?
- Are you looking for ways to improve your program’s use of data?
- Are there stand-alone data sets within your own program that you would like to have linked?
The new Data Linking Toolkit addresses these topics and much more!
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