TEA Announces National School Counseling Week Activities

National School Counseling Week (NSCW) occurs Feb. 7-11, 2022 this year and the Texas Education Agency has posted a week of topics for it. According to the Texas Education Agency, the purpose of NSCW is to highlight the effects of the school counseling profession on student success in both school and life. National School Counseling Week is sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and is celebrated the first full week in February.

The 2022 theme is School Counseling: Better Together. Find details on all the NSCW resources, events, templates, press releases, etc. here.

For each day’s topic, see the list below. You can find activities to highlight these daily topics here (look for the “signs” category).

  • Monday, Feb. 7: School counselors and other school-based mental health professionals are better together because …
  • Tuesday, Feb. 8: School counselors and administrators are better together because…
  • Wednesday, Feb. 9: School counselors and teachers are better together because…
  • Thursday, Feb. 10: School counselors and the community are better together because…
  • Friday, Feb. 11: School counselors are better together because…

Happy National School Counseling Week!

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