Texas schools have seen significant changes in the last year and, based on changes from the 87th Legislative Session, several more will be implemented in the very near future. Like most school district staff, you’ve probably been more focused on getting ready to start another year of classes during the pandemic and haven’t had time to take a deep dive into what has changed and how it will impact your school and your work with students with special needs. Fortunately, groups like TASB Special Education Solutions and TASB Student Solutions stay up-to-date on all things related to special populations, including the School Health and Related Services (SHARS) and Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) programs.
TASB is once again sponsoring ED311’s Back-To-School Workshops and will be onsite at each of the four scheduled sessions. If you have any questions about what’s new for the 2021-22 school year or just want more information on how TASB can help you better manage your district’s special education, Section 504, English learner, or gifted and talented programs, drop by TASB’s booth to talk with one of their friendly, expert staff members.
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