TEA Releases Minimum Standards for Bullying Prevention

The Texas Education Agency has released the following minimum standards for bullying prevention policies and procedures to be implemented by school districts and open-enrollment charter schools under Texas Education Code (TEC), §37.0832:

(1) ensure and appropriately integrate into instruction research-based content designed to reduce bullying for students in that age group;

(2) define how positive school culture and building healthy relationships between students and staff will be measured in alignment with the school and local educational agency’s (LEA) mission, vision, and values;

(3) require each LEA campus to establish a committee, which must include parents and secondary level students and may be incorporated into an existing committee that otherwise meets the requirements of these minimum standards, to address bullying by focusing on prevention efforts and health and wellness initiatives;

(4) develop a policy for the reporting of bullying, including cyberbullying, incidents;

(5) provide support for research-based interventions taken both for the students who engage in bullying behaviors and the students who were targeted by the bullying behaviors;

(6) include a rubric or checklist to assess an incident of bullying and to determine the LEA’s response to the incident;

(7) in connection with the policy in subsection 4 and the rubric/checklist in subsection 6 any actions taken in response to bullying, including cyberbullying, must comply with state and federal law regarding students with disabilities.

The complete TEA guidelines can be found HERE.

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