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3 Laminated Guides

by Laurie Maniotis, Attorney at Law, Arlington, Texas and Jennifer Childress,Texas School Administrators’ Legal Digest

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This set of school law reference about employment contracts are produced for the first time as multi-color tri-fold laminated guides.

Continuing Contract Guide , First Edition, Item # 01-0050:07

This tri-fold laminated guide updates the Sixth Edition of the Continuing Contract Chart.  It applies to districts electing to employ professional employees on continuing contracts. The guide provides an overview of the procedures governing termination of continuing contracts and placement of continuing contract teachers back on a probationary contract.

Probationary Contract Guide, First Edition, Item # 01-0050:08

This tri-fold lamianted guide updates the Sixth Edition of the Probationary Contract Chart.  It describes who is employed on the probationary contract and the time lines and procedures governing mid-year dismissals and end-of-year contract terminations.

Term Contract Guide, First Edition, Item # 01-0050:09

This tri-fold laminated guide updates the Sixth Edition of the Term Contract Chart.  It applies to districts electing to employ professional employees on term contracts. Included in the second edition is a description of the time lines and procedures governing nonrenewal and termination of term contracts.

Check out more of our School Law Reference Guides and Charts.

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